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Let me first say that I am in no way affiliated with Instant Payday Network.  I have zero insider information.

BIG RED FLAG:  not a member of the Direct Selling Association (DSA)

But what I do have is insight......

With all of my years of internet marketing I have studied numerous multi level network marketing companies and I have learned how to spot a few things.  See if these phrases sound familiar.

"What your up-line won't tell you"
"Make 2-4K per week working online at home"
"See how this former homeless man makes 4K per week"
"Is Instant Payday a scam"
"The poof"
"Instant Payday Network exposed"

Why do so many MLM companies use these same re-occurring tag lines?  Because they work! In fact my next blog post might be a collection of MLM catch phrases.  I bring up these catch phrases to help make another illustration.  Many MLM companies repeat the same old business model, especially internet companies.  However Instant Payday seems to have a slightly different business model, but their marketing campaign is very predictable.

It appears obvious that Instant Payday Network provides its members with scripts and instructions to post Youtube videos and blogs and to make landing pages.  Now these are great resources and the company should do this.  But these scripts are so obviously reproduced and not the presenters original work that it is almost laughable.  Like other MLM companies, Instant Payday tries to hide their negative search engine results with a barge of artificially reproduce nonsense cocked up by the company to pitch their services.  
Another marketing scheme they preform is piggy back on other MLM companies success or even failures, but of course Instant Payday does it to an extent that is counter productive.  Search google or Youtube for any MLM company and you will find members of other companies claiming that they "failed to make money with XXXX company so they switch to XXXX. click here to learn more"  Then seems to be painfully obvious if you search Youtube for "adrian morrison social media profits."  It really appears to me that Adrian has some sort of stake in Instant Payday Network.  Adrian Morrison is riddled with negative and scam reports.  It seems that this alleged Con-Man is using his negative reviews about his book to encourage people to join his new scheme.

From what I can tell the difference in Instant Payday's business model is simply that their "product" is an "easy" to navigate website that allows you to do trial offers by other known companies in order to get credits which I presume are eventually redeemed for money.  Of course these website is covered with upsales.  One problem I have with this model is that by joining many of these offers you sign up for an automatic enrollment.  Yes you can cancel, but I suspect many people to do not cancel on time and end up paying an addition month, their for in essence forfeiting their income.

To sum it up:
Instant Payday Network

Product: Website that allows user to complete trial offers with other companies
Business model: MLM, redeem credits for cash, complete trial offers, try to upsale everyone, recruit recruit recruit
Marketing model: laughable, appears to be linked to some suspected swindlers
Do I think its a scam? Almost! Do lots of work to get stuck with automatically renewing month subscriptions, constantly get upsaled, and be forced to recruit others into this mess.  You can probably make money, but the risk/benefit ratio doesn't seem worth it.

Stick with a proven company with outstanding track records, who have almost no negative reviews online.
Stick with a company that does not make outrageous claims about income.
Stick with a company that is a member of the Direct Selling Association (DSA)

Learn about my Company here

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